Title: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on February 09, 2014, 04:59:59 PM Vet maak jou nie soseer vet nie en die regte vette is in matigheid eintlik gesond, maar suiker is gif.
Dít is die slotsom van ’n komitee wat die Sweedse regering onlangs oortuig het om die eerste land te word wat amptelik ’n dieet van sogenaamde “hoë vet, lae koolhidrate”, eerder as laevet- of vetvrye diëte, vir sy burgers voorskryf. ’n Onafhanklike Sweedse komitee, genaamd die Sweedse Raad op Gesondheidstegnologie-assessering (SBU), is luidens healthimpactnews.com deur dié land se regering gelas om die bevindings van meer as 16 000 studies oor eetgewoontes, wat voor 31 Mei 2013 gepubliseer is, te hersien. Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, ’n bekende Sweedse dokter, het gesê dié komitee het tot die slotsom gekom dat byna álle aspekte van ’n persoon se gesondheid op ’n dieet van lae koolhidrate (lae suiker) verbeter. “Openbare gesondheidstelsels het die publiek vir baie lank gemaan om vet te vermy en het selfs diabete oortuig om baie vrugte (suiker) en laevet-produkte, wat ook baie suiker bevat, te eet,” het Eenfeldt gesê. “Die komitee se verslag keer die huidige denkwyse om en voer aan ’n dieet van lae koolhidrate en hoë vet is die beste wapen teen vetsug.” Dr. Tim Noakes, bekende sportwetenskaplike van die Suid-Afrikaanse Sportwetenskapinstituut, wat al jare lank ’n kampvegter is vir die voordele van ’n lae-koolhidrate-dieet, het gesê Suid-Afrika moet Swede se voorbeeld volg. “ ’n Dieet van hoë vet, lae koolhidrate is die énigste manier hoe ons die diabetes- en vetsug-epidemie in die land sal kan omkeer,” het Noakes gesê. “Suiker moet waai en koolhidrate moet beperk word by enigeen wat oorgewig is. Suiker het géén voedingswaarde nie en is hoogs verslawend. “Ek glo suikerverslawing is die enkel grootste oorsaak van vetsug en moet heeltemal vermy word. Tensy oorgewig mense hul suikerverslawing kan afskud, sal hulle nooit ’n gesonde gewig bereik nie.” ’n Onlangse studie deur Eric Stice, ’n navorser van die Oregon-navorsingstigting, het volgens nationalgeographic.com bewys dat suiker veel meer verslawend is as vet. Theguardian.com het verlede jaar berig oor ’n studie van dr. Robert Lustig van die VSA wat óók bevind het suiker, eerder as vet, is vir die vetsug-epidemie verantwoordelik en dat suiker met kokaïen of heroïen vergelyk kan word omdat dit “verslawend en toksies is”. Noakes stem ook saam dat die meeste vette, buiten transvette, in matige hoeveelhede gesond is. Gerda Gericke, hoof van die Universiteit van Pretoria se departement menslike voeding, verwys egter na ’n studie van die Harvard School of Public Health (hsph.harvard.edu) en waarsku dat daar wel “goeie” en “slegte” vette is. Voedsel met transvette of ’n hoë hoeveelheid versadigde vet (soos sommige margarien, rooivleis en volroom-suiwelprodukte) kan liefs met boontjies, neute, hoender of vis vervang word. Olyfolie, grondboontjiebotter en avokado’s is goeie bronne van gesonde vet. Verfynde koolhidrate soos witbrood, pizza-deeg, pasta, witrys en aartappels moet ook liefs vermy word. “Deur versadigde vette met onversadigde vette te vervang, kan jou risiko vir hartsiektes verminder word,” lui die studie. http://www.volksblad.com/nuus/2014-02-03-vet-is-oukei-maar-suiker-is-gif Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on February 09, 2014, 05:08:12 PM Paleo Lifestyle
Eat all you need (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-what-to-eat.jpg) Protein/Meat Beef, pork, bacon, game, chicken, all livers, offal. No problem in eating the fat or skin of the chicken. Biltong as part of the meal or great as a snack. For those who can afford it the best option would be to go for free range meat. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-What-to-eat-2.jpg) Seafood All kinds: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring. Prawns, crayfish etc. If eating out make sure it’s not crumbed/battered. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-What-to-eat-3.jpg) Eggs Boiled, fried, omelettes, scrambled, poached any way you like them. Cook with Butter, lard, Duck fat, coconut oil, Avocado oil and cream when you cook. Make sure that when purchasing Olive oil that it is really Olive oil and not a blend. Source local its of superior quality and bound to be fresher than the imported brands. Look out for those rich creamy sauces that you were always afraid to eat just use the correct ingredients*. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-what-to-eat-4.jpg) Vegetables All kinds, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Asparagus, baby marrow, brinjal, olives, spinach, mushrooms, cucumber, lettuce, avocado, onions, peppers, tomatoes etc. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-Dairy-1.jpg) Dairy (Primal Paleo) All full-fat* options like real butter, full fat cream, sour cream, double cream, what joy, Greek yogurt and high-fat cheeses. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-Nuts-1.jpg) Nuts Nuts, except peanuts. Eat nuts in moderation. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-Living-Berries-1.jpg) Berries Try these from frozen blended with a hand blender with whipped cream or Greek yoghurt for desert. Drink water Its up to you after the detox period of 21-30 days This is the worst it’s going to get. Clean out everything that is not on the list above. Box it dump it give it away. There is no point at this stage to keep it for after the detox period as temptation is stronger than you can imagine when the craving strikes. Follow the rules of not eating anything below this paragraph for at least 21 days. That’s how long it takes to form a habit. You will to a greater or lesser degree, start with flu like symptoms and might experience an upset stomach and headaches. This is part of the detox. It’s a bit like giving up smoking one little puff makes it all go away. Be strong you are doing it for yourself and a healthy future. It doesn’t last for too long. When the break through happens it is incredible. After the 21 days or if you feel comfortable do the full 30 days, add back the things that you feel you cannot cope without. One at a time let your body tell you if it’s OK. How do you feel after the addition? Listen to your body now that you are back in control. Health is the target the weight loss is the added bonus. This is to be consumed in moderation: Fruit - Depending on the fruit, high fructose. Eat moderately. Could slow down weight loss. Alcohol - Dry wine (regular red or dry white wine) try for organic, brandy, vodka etc. Watch the sugar. Mixers are an issue. Dark chocolate - Above 70 % cocoa, in moderation. Drink - Coffee/Tea with full-fat milk or cream. Pure Honey - from a reliable source. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/What-not-to-do-Paleo.jpg) None of this! Sugar - Fizzy drinks, cold drinks, sweets, fruit juice, energy drinks, chocolate, cakes, donuts, pastries, ice cream, breakfast cereals. All artificial sweeteners. Starch - Pasta, potatoes, French fries(slap chips on the list of what I miss), potato chips, rice, porridge, bread, muesli etc. “Wholegrain products” are not any better. All wheat based products. Gluten free is not wheat free. Nuts - No peanuts. Cashew nuts in moderation. Dairy - No low fat anything. (http://paleoliving.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Paleo-recipes-2.jpg) http://paleoliving.co.za/paleo-lifestyle/ Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on February 09, 2014, 07:54:29 PM "@Sportscience_sa: "How can grass be more nutritious than a complete animal" @ProfTimNoakes"
:MrGreen: Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: buzzlightyear on February 12, 2014, 06:58:15 AM daar is suiker in omtrent alle verwerkte voedsel en mense besef nie hoeveel suiker hulle inkry nie
Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Operator on February 12, 2014, 08:01:01 AM daar is suiker in omtrent alle verwerkte voedsel en mense besef nie hoeveel suiker hulle inkry nie Ja-nee......................die vet weet :MrGreen: :MrGreen: :MrGreen: Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on February 12, 2014, 08:05:31 AM Dis seker hoekom hulle dit die grotman dieet noem. Verwerkte en verfynde produkte word vermy.
Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Fourie on February 12, 2014, 09:14:16 AM Kry vir jou steak/ribs/skaaptjops/varktjops..faarkit baie vleis en wors, pap en sous en eet ordentlik...... :biggrin:
Net nie hoender nie.......die groente :eyebrow: Hierdie gepeusel en moffie etery werk nie......... :evil2: :smirk: :wink1: Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on February 12, 2014, 09:25:53 AM Alles wat jy se is reg. Behalwe die pap. Maar dit eet ek in elk geval nie.
Die etery is omtrent net vleis. Alles behalwe 'n moffie geetery. Ek moet se met die grotman gedoente eet ek soos 'n koning. 8) Alles wat taboe was, is nou weer OK. :headbang: Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: lox on February 23, 2014, 08:21:33 PM annderdag seg dr my na bloed toetse dat my suiker effe hoog is en ek moet suiker inname bepaerk. maak toe so en val 6 kg in 3 maande af en my bloeddruk ook sommer baie beter.
Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Rustyb on February 24, 2014, 10:12:42 AM As a diabetic I can relate to that diet.
Low carb and high protein. Next time you out shopping look at the sugar content of tinned food. Ingredients are listed by percentage of weight. Tomato and onion mix is a prime example. First tomato, then sugar the sometimes aqua (water ) then onions. Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on February 25, 2014, 08:28:57 AM I can't think of anything we eat that comes out of a can, except that Tomato and onion mix and then it's once a month or so when we make a potjie. But thanks for the heads-up. :thumb:
This eating habbit (as opposed to "diet") works well for me too. With my wife being from the Western Transvaal for years and years we only ate rys vleis en aardappels. And lots of bread. But I grew up on a vegetable farm and LOVE veg. But I eat it raw. Brussels, Broccoli, Cauliflower, ate all that stuff raw growing up. My wife does not buy it because she does not eat it. She eats very little veg (maybe pampoen or skorsie met suiker - tipies ouma se Transvaal kookkos :MrGreen:) and absolutely no fruit. Not tomato, strawberry, watermelon, naartjies, NOTHING. She can't handle even smelling it when I eat it - I'm not allowed to eat a Naartjie in the car! She says the smell makes her nauseous. That's the smell. Never mind touching it. She won't even cut a tomato for a braaibroodjie. So the biggest thing for me to eat what I like is to go buy it myself and serve it to myself. :MrGreen: I have avoided all refined and processed foods and starchy foods as much as I can. Did eat some sweet potato from the coals. It's been 3 weeks so far. I don't know if I lost weight. I do not weigh myself and that's not the point anyway. The changes I noticed so far: At first there was cravings for bread. Bad craving. And some headaches etc associated with the withdrawal. I ate a lot because I thought I was hungry, but never felt "full" because of the continuous craving for bread. That part was difficult. Now I'm almost never feel hungry. And it's a food adventure feast! Breakfast would be something like eggs, bacon, onions, mushrooms, greenpepper, cheese. Lekker big breakfast to last me the day. I then snack through day and have all kinds of different things in the house to eat. I buy six of seven different fruits and lots of veg. Currently Cauliflower is a firm favourite. Break off a piece when I walk past the fridge. Evenings we braai! And now I can eat what I want to. Couple of years back a dietitian removed Mutton from my diet totally. Now Karoo lam is a firm favourite again. 8) Look, I have not eaten this lekker in years. I fell into a comfort zone and only ate what the wife ate, but now that I took control again I realize I should have done it years ago already. Physically I feel great. When you enjoy what you eat you are happy and when you're happy you feel great. I have a little bit more energy and I now sleep very, very well indeed. These days I wake up in the position I went to sleep in having never moved during the night. Deep sleep, waking refreshed. I am still regular (always have been) but the amount of waste seems to have gotten less and passes easily. It's seems my body is using more of what I now eat. My shirts and pants have loosened noticeably. I have never been on or believed in "diets". But this eating change is a lifestyle change that's so easy to make because it's actually better than I used to eat. All the lekker stuff. :headbang: First time in my life I'm excited about something like this. Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Rustyb on February 25, 2014, 12:47:53 PM I agree with the constant weighing part. I too can feel it with my clothes being looser.
I have cut bread out too and it has made a world of difference. The difference for me is I must watch my carbohydrates intake. When I stopped the bread I switched to Provitas, however, 3 Provitas equals a slice of low GI bread and the bread has more nutritional value. I also enjoy raw vegetables so I eat that along with nuts ( No cashews or peanuts ) or yogurt for the mid morning or afternoon snack. Lunch is usually salad. Straight up or with protein. Dinner is low carb or no carb. Weighless products are the biggest hoax. they are normally only fat free but high in sugar and carbs. I have also started exercising. Low impact exercises and riding a spinning bike. As you say TR, what a difference. Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Natuurkind on March 17, 2014, 02:02:09 PM Klink soos die Tim Nokes Diet. Volgens Umdani is dit glo baie goed vir 'n mens. :headbang: You go Trailrider!
Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Operator on April 21, 2014, 08:05:50 PM Hier is 'n Dropbox-link na die Tim Noakes boek :wink1:
Dis in PDF-formaat en net so oor die 20 mb. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r8tb1qk1s9oo96s/The%20Real%20Meal%20Revolution.pdf (https://www.dropbox.com/s/r8tb1qk1s9oo96s/The%20Real%20Meal%20Revolution.pdf) Lekker lees....................en lekker gewig verloor !!! :MrGreen: :MrGreen: :MrGreen: Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Trailrider on April 22, 2014, 09:33:57 AM Thanks! Sal like om te sien hoe sy dinge verskil van die Paleo Living / Primal Living ding. :thumb:
Title: Re: Vet is oukei, maar suiker is gif Post by: Rustyb on May 23, 2014, 11:34:35 AM See here for reasonably priced healthy oils:
http://www.facebook.com/isishealthproducts |