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Author Topic: Don Steenkamp- Griekwastad  (Read 12095 times)
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« on: August 24, 2012, 03:44:56 PM »

Ek wonder so wat in daardie seun se kop aangegaan het en steeds aangaan?

Volgens Die Burger was hy voorheen baie stil maar het die afgelope tyd vreeslik spraaksaam en sosiaal geraak.Ek wonder of hy bipolere-steurnis het en vreeslike `mood-swings?' En het sy pa hom dalk afgeknou en die slim sussie voorgetrek. Maar dan weer, hy het mos self uitgeblink as perderuiter, so hy het tog ook presteer.

Kan hy eendag swaar gestraf word vir die moorde as hy ouer word- of dink julle hy sal loskom om sielkundige redes?

`n Mens moet maar baie dankbaar wees vir jou eie kinders....
 Roll Eyes
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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 03:48:06 PM »

Dis baie hartseer, ek dink die druk op kinders vandag kan hulle laat knak.  Undecided

A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world. - John LeCarré
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Pizza Boy!

« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2012, 06:37:44 PM »

Ek wonder of hy nie possesed kon gewees het nie.   Ek dink hy was ge posess

I smell a Pizza<br />I think about Pizza<br />I raaid oopketel and imagine myself eating a Pizza<br />I feel and fantasize about Pizza
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Die Bergie...

« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 06:19:32 AM »

Deur wat Cassie? Smile

Daar was obviously iets nie pluis gewees in daai huis nie. Als sal seker nog uitkom.

“Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2012, 03:32:20 PM »

Deur wat Cassie? Smile

Daar was obviously iets nie pluis gewees in daai huis nie. Als sal seker nog uitkom.

Ja nee wragtag. Iets was definitief nie pluis nie!  Scratch Scratch Mens wis nie sommer jou hele gesin uit net omdat jy so voel die dag nie.
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Die Bergie...

« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 08:23:17 AM »

Marthella Steenkamp, die 14-jarige meisie wat op Goeie Vrydag saam met haar ouers in hul plaashuis naby Griekwastad vermoor is, is vermoedelik voor haar dood deur haar moordenaar seksueel gemolesteer.

Verskeie bronne na aan die ondersoek en die familie het aan Rapport bevestig die polisie ondersoek sterk aanduidings dat Marthella voor die moorde seksueel aangerand is, vermoedelik deur die aanvaller.

Die vermoede is dat haar pa van dié molestering uitgevind het, waarna die aanvaller die familie se gewere uit die plaashuis se kluis gehaal en Deon Steenkamp (44), sy vrou, Christel (43), en Marthella vermoor het.

’n Tienerseun (16) staan tans in die landdroshof op Griekwastad tereg weens dié moorde.

Ingeligtes in die ondersoek sê daar is aanduidings dat Deon en Christel Steenkamp dadelik doodgeskiet is, maar dat Marthella by die huis se kombuisdeur uitgevlug het in die rigting van die plaasskuur, vermoedelik om met een van die gesin se motors te vlug.

Dit lyk of die aanvaller haar agternagesit en haar talle kere met ’n stomp voorwerp (vermoedelik die gesin se pistool) oor die kop geslaan het.

Dit is onbekend of sy haar bewussyn tydelik verloor en kort daarna self teruggestrompel het na die huis en of sy deur die aanvaller na die huis gesleep is, maar sy is uiteindelik in die sitkamer, reg langs die lyk van haar ma, doodgeskiet met ’n skoot in die gesig.

Toe kol. Dick de Waal, ondersoekbeampte in die saak en bevelvoerder van die eenheid teen georganiseerde misdaad in die Noord-Kaap, oor dié bewerings uitgevra is, het hy dit nie ontken nie, maar slegs geantwoord “geen kommentaar”.

Die volledige besonderhede van die polisie se saak teen die beskuldigde sal in die hof uiteengesit word.

Die afgelope week is talle gru-besonderhede van die moord in die hof onthul.

Adv. Willem Coetzee, die beskuldigde se regsverteenwoor­diger, het wel daarin geslaag om adv. Hannes Cloete, die staatsaanklaer, te keer om die volle­dige inhoud van die sowat 22 bladsye lange beëdigde verklaring van De Waal, asook honderde foto’s in die hof bekend te maak.

Coetzee het aangevoer daar is nie genoeg tyd nie.

De Waal het wel getuig Deon is drie keer geskiet (in die regterskouer, agter sy linkeroor en in die bors), Christel twee keer (tussen die skouer en nek en in die rug) en Marthella vier keer (in die gesig en bors).

Die gesin se .357-rewolwer en .22-geweer is in die aanval gebruik.

Marthella en Deon is boonop verskeie kere met ’n stomp voorwerp oor die kop geslaan.

Die beskuldigde het verder glo ná die voorval van twee hemde probeer ontslae raak. De Waal het in die hof getuig ’n donkerblou T-hemp is die dag ná die moorde in die beskuldigde se slaapkamer gevind. Dít nadat hulle die vorige dag op ’n ander hemp wat aan hom behoort het en wat hy elders weggegooi het, beslag gelê het.

Die donkerblou T-hemp is glo op twee plekke geskeur en was oortrek met bloedspatsels.

Daar is die afgelope vier maande 72 DNS-monsters en 64 beëdigde verklarings afgeneem.

Die polisie sal glo eers oor ’n maand die ondersoek afhandel en sê hulle kan moontlik nog sowat 40 verklarings afneem.

Die aanklagte van moord is tot dusver die enigste aanklagte teen die beskuldigde.

Rapport het drie weke gelede berig die enigste oorlewende van die Steenkamp-gesin, die Steenkamps se 16-jarige seun, is die enigste erfgenaam van sy ouers se boedel waarvan die bates in die Naauwhoek- en Edelweiss-trusts opgedeel is.

Rapport kan vandag bevestig die totale waarde van die bates in die boedel is R20 miljoen.

“Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
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« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2012, 06:57:37 PM »

Ek dink dis nogals dapper van Greykollege om hom toegang tot die skool te weier maar aan te bied om tog met sy onderrig te help.

Dis ook vir my interessant dat sy vriende en familie so bly was toe hy borgtog kry en hom buite die hof omhels het- ja, ek weet hys nognie amptelik skuldig bevind nie, maar is die mense in`denial' of wat?Dis mos `n gruwelike, afskuwelike gesinsmoord.En waarom borgtog- daar is mos fasiliteite waar jeugdiges aangehou word?

Ons buurman wat erken het teenoor `n Polisielid dat hy sy vrou vermoor het, loop ook nog `op borgtog' lekker rond- al vir 3 jaar-is ons Regsstelsel deurmekaar of wat is verkeerd hierso?
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« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2012, 09:50:33 AM »

Wat verkeerd is is dit: oenskynlik skuldige mense gryp na halms wat prokureurs en advokate uitgooi na hulle toe. Dit vertraag die regsproses en line die regslui se sakke.

Daar is geen konsep van gevolge meer in ons samelewing nie, kom dit dalk van die skool af vandat lyfstraf afgeskaf is en dissipline agteruit gegaaan het?

A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world. - John LeCarré
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« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 11:31:37 AM »

Die probleem kom in wanneer jy in die straat af stap en word deur opportuniste beskuldig dat jy hulle kind gemolesteer het. Hulle eis dan geld van jou, jy weier en hulle gaan dien 'n klag in by die polisie, daar is vier getuies en die mense wat rondom staan wil nou geregtigheid sien seevier. Dan is dit nogal belangrik dat daar 'n regstelsel is wat jou beskerm totdat jy skuldig bevind is. Dis een van die mees basiese beginsels in ons sameleweing, waarsonder ons beslis nie kan gaan nie.
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« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2012, 11:41:49 AM »

Ek stem. Dit voel net partykeer dat die mense met die groot beursies 'n ander 'geregtigheid' kry as die met die klein beursies.

A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world. - John LeCarré
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Die Bergie...

« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2013, 09:25:07 PM »

In a shocking development, a well-known right-wing female farmer, who is currently in custody, has claimed that she was part of a “hit squad” responsible for the murders of three members of the Steenkamp family in Griquatown.

In an exclusive interview with the DFA, Cornelia de Wet, a member of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), on Wednesday confessed her alleged role in the murders of three members of the Steenkamp family, who were gunned down on their farm Naauwhoek outside Griquatown, in April last year.

From inside a Kimberley prison, the 37-year-old De Wet on Wednesday spoke openly about what, according to her, transpired on the morning before Deon Steenkamp, 44, his wife Christelle, 43, and their daughter, Marthella, 14, was found dead, saying she was present during the murders and even remembered Deon’s last words.

She also explained her role in the execution of the attack, saying an amount of R100 000 was paid “for the hit”.

The names of the three men, who she claimed were involved in the killing, are known to the DFA.

She also implicated the owner of a security company as being the mastermind behind the attack, and claimed that he had initiated numerous attacks on white farmers in an attempt to “instill a sense of fear and force farmers to make use of their security services . . . it (the attack) was also aimed at inciting racial hatred”.

De Wet further admitted that she also worked as an officer in the Leeuwag and the Boere-beskermingsforum (BBF), both militant right-wing movements in which the alleged mastermind had been a “general”, adding that his company “was nothing but a front to train right-wingers for war and terror”.

De Wet on Wednesday met with the defence team representing the teenager, who is currently facing charges of murdering the Steenkamp family. The legal delegation, who were seen leaving the Kimberley Prison, included Stoffel de Jager and Advocates Willem Coetzee and Sharon Erasmus, as well as the guardian of the 17-year-old accused.

She provided them with a statement that, according to her, will be used in the defence’s case.

She said she also gave an affidavit to the police in Middleburg, where she is currently incarcerated while awaiting trial for possession of explosives and ammunition. She will appear in the Carolina Magistrate’s Court on November 28 on these charges.

She said she was transferred to Kimberley so that she could meet the accused’s defence team.

She also claimed that “this was not the first farm attack that we were involved in”. Pressed for time in the interview, she did not give details of the other attacks, but provided a detailed account of what allegedly happened on the Naauwhoek farm when the Steenkamps were murdered.

“We were sitting in the car in the veld, watching the house for about half an hour to an hour.

“We saw Don (Steenkamp) come out of the house and walk into the veld. We waited for a little while and then we stormed into the house. We instructed Deon to go into his room and open the safe. We took two weapons, a .357 revolver and a .32 rifle, out of the safe.

“Deon and Christelle were then shot.”

De Wet did not say who shot them, but claimed that she was “only a spectator”, while two men were “responsible for all the shooting”.

“I then watched as (one of the attackers) grabbed Marthella and raped her. After this I went outside and heard two shots. I knew they had shot her.

“I went back into the house and saw Marthella lying next to her mother. We took the weapons, and returned to the car where (one of the three men) was waiting for us and drove off.”

“We threw the weapons out of the car at the gate of the farm.”

She added that they deliberately did not shoot Don, the only surviving member of the family.

De Wet recalled that the family was extremely petrified during the ordeal. “I could see the shock on their faces when they realised that they were being killed by white people.”

She added that Deon’s last words were . . . “God forgive them”.

Responding to a question why there were no fingerprints found at the scene, she said “we were wearing gloves”.

“After this I had no further contact with any of the three men involved.”

She said she decided to come out with the real story because “the truth was haunting me and I know that (the accused) was never guilty of the murders”.

De Wet said that from the age of 15, she had been involved with the AWB and received training from the organisation.

“On April 27 last year (shortly after the Steenkamp farm attack), I myself was the victim of a farm attack in which I was almost killed. I still believe that this was an attempt on my life because they (the men she named as the murderers of the Steenkamp family) wanted to keep me quiet.”

She said she was arrested on May 29 2012 on 40 charges, including high treason, terrorism and possession of ammunition and explosives.

“All these charges have been dropped with the exception of the possession of ammunition and explosives, which belonged to (one of the men allegedly involved in the Steenkamp attack).”

“All three of my bail applications have failed and I fear for my life. Even inside prison I fear for my life because of my involvement in the Steenkamp murders.”

Stoffel de Jager, lawyer for the defence in the Steenkamp murder trial, on Wednesday confirmed that he, together with Erasmus and Coetzee, as well as the accused’s guardian had met and “consulted with a witness” at the Kimberley Correctional Services. He declined to give any further comment.

Diamond Fields Advertiser

“Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
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« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2013, 10:12:23 AM »

Doubts over Griekwastad AWB murder claims
2013-11-01 09:09

Kimberley - The AWB member who alleged that she was involved in the murders of three members of a Griekwastad family on their farm last year is apparently known for telling tall tales.

Volksblad reported on Friday that Cornelia de Wet has a chequered past, and has been known for making up stories about herself in order to get attention.

The Diamond Fields Advertiser on Thursday reported that De Wet claimed the farm attack was carried out by members of an Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) hit squad, and the owner of a local security company was the mastermind. She alleged the attack was meant to incite racial hatred and instil a sense of fear amongst farmers, which would result in them making use of the services of the security company.

Deon Steenkamp, 44, his wife Christel, 43, and their 14-year-old daughter Marthella were killed on their farm Naauwhoek on 6 April 2012. Their son survived the attack.

Trial to continue

The NPA said on Thursday it was aware of the claims, but said the trial of the accused, who is a minor, will continue as planned on 4 November.

According to Volksblad, police officials doubt her version of events because it had changed several times and she was unable to point out the scenes at Griekwastad.

A former police officer from De Wet's hometown of Middelburg in Mpumalanga, said she is known for wasting the police’s time with alarming yet false claims.

A Middelburg newspaper editor told Volksblad he believed De Wet needs psychiatric help, and that she may have projected her own fantasy life onto the reports of the Griekwastad farm killings.

De Wet is currently in custody after being arrested in 2012 on charges of high treason and the illegal possession of firearms and explosives.

Meanwhile, the owner of the security company accused of being the mastermind of the farm attack denied ever meeting De Wet, and claims he was not even in the area on the day of the attack, the Cape Times reported on Friday.

He claimed De Wet had a vendetta against him.

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I come in pieces

« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2013, 03:38:25 PM »

Dis 'n baie weird storie die. Ek weet nie of ek moet hoop dis waar, en of ek moet hoop dis vals nie. Sad al die kante toe.

A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world. - John LeCarré
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